Thursday, 31 January 2013

OECD public briefing on TRACE and FATCA: Feb 12

The OECD will hold a public meeting on TRACE and FATCA in Paris on February 12, with three IRS officials on hand to discuss FATCA and a senior tax guy at HSBC to update on the OECD's TRACE project.  Really? A senior tax guy at HSBC is going to tell us about how the OECD is going to prevent tax crimes and money laundering?  Wait, is this like that movie where they hired an accomplished thief to test the security system and explain everything that's wrong with it?  In any event, info:
The OECD and the Business and Industry Advisory Committee (BIAC) to the OECD will host a public briefing session on TRACE and FATCA at the OECD Conference Centre in Paris on 12 February. 
...Officials from the US Treasury and FATCA partner countries will give an update on the progress made on the intergovernmental agreements. 
You must send your questions in advance:
Participants will be given an opportunity to ask questions by completing the question form and sending it to the OECD Secretariat ( by Friday 8 February...
 But you can also attend in person for 100EUR if you are a financial institution, a practioner, or a journalist, according to the information.  Though it is not stated, I will simply assume that non-interested observers, such as academics, NGO reps, etc., are also warmly invited.  I am very sorry I won't be able to attend myself, but if anyone who reads this does plan to attend, I would dearly appreciate hearing from you.

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