Monday, 5 November 2012

Tremblay: I fought the corruption but the corruption won

As expected, the mayor of Montreal has resigned under the pressure of the ongoing investigation into widespread corruption through all levels of Quebec's government.  The transcript of his resignation speech is here.  He continues to deny any personal wrongdoing, and claims he is the victim of "unbearable injustice."   That's an all-too familiar refrain, I am sorry to say, and shouldn't elicit much sympathy at this stage.  There is an awful lot of self-pity in this transcript.  Excerpts:

Was I sceptical? Yes. Did I ask questions? Yes. Was I vigilant? Yes. But unfortunately, it was only after the facts that I was given documents, files and internal memos, dating from 2004, 2006 and 2009. 
When I finally received the information, I asked the public servants and the councillors why I had not been informed about this, especially when the individuals in charge had done nothing. 
The trust I had on some, was inevitably betrayed; I assume the full responsibility. 
However, every time, as soon as I was informed of irregularities, collusion and corruption, I took action. The information was immediately given to the appropriate authorities. I shall produce the proofs at the right time and the right place. 
...I fervently hope that one day there will be recognition about the fact that I fought - often alone - this system of collusion and corruption as the Charbonneau Commission is revealing it had existed since at least 1988. 
...As for the allegations of collusion and corruption, I would have expected a more attentive and more urgent hearing from the government, especially when dealing with the obligation to award contracts to the lowest bidders. 
In politics, it seems that perception matters more than the truth. Especially when this perception is manipulated by multiple factors, not to say agendas, and when we're not given a chance to reveal the truth or, when it is stated, no one believes it. 
...I now must suffer an unbearable injustice. I never thought my life could be subjected to such a fury in a society of Law and Justice. But, one day, justice will prevail. Under these circumstances, I cannot help any more. The success of our city is much more important than my personal interest. 
...To those who relied and trusted me all these years, I want you to know that I have never betrayed you.

The sheer number of "I"s in the transcript is just too telling--I tried, I was duped, I was deceived, I am shocked, shocked at the allegations and the shoddy investigations and the lack of a chance to defend myself.  Certainly this story is not over.

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