Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Expensive to be poor: dental edition

From Propublica, a look at dental treatment for the poor.  First, medicaid pays so little that many dentists won't accept medicaid patients at all; second, when they do accept these patients, they exploit them ruthlessly to extract every possible dollar, either from medicaid or the patients themselves or both.  For those without access to dentists, the Romney plan (emergency room care for all) doesn't appear quite workable:

Not that many dentists actually accept Medicaid. There are some states where the reimbursement rates are so low that even the chains don't go there. Like in Florida, for example, the Medicaid rates are so low there that chains don't really even bother. So children end up going to the emergency room because they have a toothache and there's nothing else they can do. They end up in hospitals to treat a tooth. 
There was a famous case in Maryland where a 10-year-old boy had a toothache and it was abscessed and he ended up dying because he didn't have a dentist.
But for those lucky enough to find a dentist who will take them on, the situation seems only marginally better: instead of dying, you get this:

We looked at two of the larger [dental] chains, and found evidence that these companies were putting pressure on their dentists to produce at certain revenue targets, thus encouraging them to do procedures that may have been unnecessary.
... One of the chains focused on kids on Medicaid, and the reimbursement rates for Medicaid are pretty low. So in order to get a lot of revenue from these patients they were doing things like taking x-rays that were not needed, or putting stainless steel crowns instead of fillings on their teeth. They could make twice as much money from Medicaid on these crowns versus just putting a filling on a tooth. Kids were getting treatments that they really didn't need.
...We had one example of an 87-year-old woman who had already been to the dentist and she went in to have two teeth pulled, thinking it would be cheaper at [New York-based] Aspen Dental. Instead they looked at her mouth and they came up with a treatment plan that was going to cost $8,000. They convinced her though hard-sell tactics to borrow that money through a credit card, and something like $2,000 of that was just to clean her teeth. (Aspen Dental's response is here.)
How do these dentists sleep at night?  Well, they have big loans to pay off, you see:

These days, when dentists get out of dental school, they often owe anywhere between $200,000 and $300,000 dollars. Dental school is actually more expensive than medical school. So they come out with these huge debts, in a lot of cases they can't really afford to start their own practice. 
These dental chains hire people, a lot of the time right out of dental school, and they pay fairly decent salaries and they have a bonus system where the more work you do on a patient the more you get paid. That's true for a private dentist as well, but the difference is that these companies are owned by private equity firms, and they're managed in a different way. You have people who are not dentists coming up with a business plan that's based on metrics. They try to get new patients in who haven't been to the dentist in a while, and they've already calculated how much revenue the average new patient should generate. 
If you happen to go in and you don't really have anything wrong with your mouth and you're a new patient you're not fitting the model. That creates pressure for the dentists to find things that are 'wrong.'
The report goes on to show that the problems are mostly undetected because there is insufficient oversight.  A scholar who works on corruption in governance once told me that the recipe for corruption is greed plus opportunity.  You can't stop greed, he said--that's human nature.  But society has got to find ways to curb opportunity.  That's after all one of the main reasons to form a society at all--namely, to curb the human animal's propensity to exploit and destroy one another for personal gain.  For more on this issue, you can watch "Dollars and Dentists" at PBS.

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