Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Private vs Public Healthcare Systems

Here is an interesting paper on private vs public health care systems in low- and middle-income countries, published earlier this year in PLOS Medicine, an open-access medical journal, in which the authors find that private systems don't deliver better efficiency, accountability or medical effectiveness in comparison to public systems.  But they might be faster and nicer to you in a private care system.  From the paper:
Private sector healthcare delivery in low- and middle-income countries is sometimes argued to be more efficient, accountable, and sustainable than public sector delivery. Conversely, the public sector is often regarded as providing more equitable and evidence-based care. We performed a systematic review of research studies investigating the performance of private and public sector delivery in low- and middle-income countries. 
Methods and Findings
...Comparative cohort and cross-sectional studies suggested that providers in the private sector more frequently violated medical standards of practice and had poorer patient outcomes, but had greater reported timeliness and hospitality to patients. Reported efficiency tended to be lower in the private than in the public sector, resulting in part from perverse incentives for unnecessary testing and treatment. Public sector services experienced more limited availability of equipment, medications, and trained healthcare workers. When the definition of “private sector” included unlicensed and uncertified providers such as drug shop owners, most patients appeared to access care in the private sector; however, when unlicensed healthcare providers were excluded from the analysis, the majority of people accessed public sector care. “Competitive dynamics” for funding appeared between the two sectors, such that public funds and personnel were redirected to private sector development, followed by reductions in public sector service budgets and staff. 
Studies evaluated in this systematic review do not support the claim that the private sector is usually more efficient, accountable, or medically effective than the public sector; however, the public sector appears frequently to lack timeliness and hospitality towards patients.  
The incentive structure is interesting and echoes thoughts I've had before on privatizing water and waste disposal.  This study is not about high income countries, but the health care cost difference between the US and the rest of the high-income world suggests the findings might translate beyond the sample studied.

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