Saturday, 14 July 2012

US continues campaign against EU airline tax

The US will host a meeting in order to "pil[e] further pressure on the EU to back down and the international community to find a global solution..." to greenhouse gas emissions.  From Reuters.  "Finding a global solution" is of course a euphemism for "doing nothing."  That's because of course the EU tax is a step toward a global solution, and it would be effectively global if the US adopted it.  Instead, the plan here is to gather officials from similarly opposing countries including India and China--a "coalition of the unwilling"--to agree to retaliatory measures against the EU.  Behind every diplomatic effort is a lobbyist:
Airlines will not have to pay for the permits until next year, and are pressing their governments to agree on a global deal before then.   
Russ Bailey, a senior attorney for the Air Line Pilots Association, a U.S. lobby group, said time is running out for EU ETS opponents to come up with a viable alternative. 
"There is a sense of urgency because airlines have to start paying next April. We hope there will be a resolution that becomes clear enough before then," he told Reuters Point Carbon."  
I doubt that Bailey has in mind a resolution that every country will adopt the EU system, even though that would be crystal clear as far as resolutions go.  The global deal sought here is reversion to the status quo, of that there can be little doubt.  

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